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Welcome to the most versatile dinner you’ll ever meet. Brought to you by my impromptu dinner tonight you can use this in salads, tacos, um, salads…

Okay, maybe it’s not that versatile but it’s deliciously simple. Get some Donna Hay philosophy up ya.

Lime + Oregano Chicken Salad 

(an original recipe)

250 g sliced chicken thigh

1 tbs dried oregano

1 lime


1 tsp olive oil

1 tsp crushed ginger

1 baby cos lettuce

1 tbs labna*

*natural greek yoghurt is fine as a substitute

1. In a bowl marinate your chicken with the oregano, salt and juice of one lime. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.

2. Place oil in a small pan and allow to heat up until smoking. Place ginger and chicken pieces carefully without allowing any juice to enter the pan – this is so the chicken brown and chars. After the chicken shows some colour pour in marinade and stir until cook entirely – this should take less than 10 minutes.

3. Remove chicken from heat. Line a small bowl with baby cos lettuce leaves. Place the chicken and adorn with a generous spoon of labna.

Inspired by my last post you can even make miniature san choi bao. Awww!

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Given my heritage I was practically born with a leg of lamb in my hand. There comes a time in every Australian-born ethnic girl’s life however where she must say NO to the cascading beef and spend a few days strictly vegetarian for the well-being of the universe. This vegetarian stint begins TODAY.

Subtle hints of garlic embedded in soft potato beside fresh, crunchy cos and a citrusy creamy dressing; what you are about to experience is delicious, healthy and just… AAHHHHH. Amazing.

Garlic Roasted Potato + Cos Lettuce Salad + Ricotta Dressing

(an original recipe)

1 baby cos lettuce

2 potatoes (any variety is fine)

2 cloves garlic, minced

drizzle of olive oil

handful of salad seeds or dukkah (optional)

2 generous tablespoons of fresh ricotta

1 lime

2 tablespoons water

salt + peppercorns

Here are some secret weapons of mine. To the left is the most olivey-olive oil I have ever experienced; the by-product of pickled olives by my parents. I love the manky glass jar, so authenticly homely. To the right; chilli and soy flavoured salad seeds. Crunchy, umani goodness. However I digress.

1. Pre-warm oven to 200°C

2. Roughly chop your potatoes. In a medium sized pan boil the pieces for 15 minutes (this can be omitted if you’d prefer however this step creates a lovely fluffy potato)

3. Remove and strain boiled potato pieces and place in a bowl. Drizzle olive oil and stir through the minced garlic. Transfer to a baking tray and bake for 20 minutes.

4. Meanwhile, chop your cos and place into a bowl. In another small bowl mix the ricotta, the juice of one lemon, water and generous seasoning (this may seem a little potent but remember there is a lot of lettuce to cover).  Pour 3/4 of of your dressing over the cos and stir through.

5. When your potatoes are ready (they should have lightly crisped edges) carefully place them atop your lettuce while they’re still warm. Drizzle remaining dressing and crown with salad seeds.

Are you feeling rejuvenated yet?

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